September 24 - The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
It is the heart of God to bless His people. Through His prophet Isaiah, He declares that He is Jehovah, the Holy One, the Creator of Israel and their King. His people are not to just think of the past, for He is doing a new thing for them. Impossible things like making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. He wants to pour out His Spirit on their descendants and His blessings on their children. By removing their sins and iniquities, God can then make such blessings possible.
Paul, when he talks about the mystery of Christ, repeatedly mentions the riches of Christ, the unsearchable riches of Christ, the manifold wisdom of God, the riches of the Father’s glory and the fullness of God. Such richness or fullness signifies the greatness of God and the vastness of who He is. No human on earth may fathom such richness except through His revelation we may take a peek at such vastness. The mystery of Christ embodied in the gospel is such an example. This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.
This mystery is the heart of God, wanting all mankind to become His family members and receive the richness of His glory as heirs so that all the goodness of God may come to them all. With that in mind, Paul bursts out in prayer, bowing his knees before the Father who is the Father of all the families on earth. The request of Paul is that out of God’s glory, He may grant them the fullness of God. From the richness of Christ, he prays that believers may receive the fullness of God. This is the ultimate goal of all believers, to have the fullness of God.
In order to receive such tremendous blessings, we have to have faith in Christ so that we can have access to God the Father. Based on our faith, God then can strengthen us with power through His Spirit in our inner being and Christ may dwell in our hearts, giving us love to be rooted and grounded in, and that we may have strength to comprehend with all the saints the breadth and length and height and depth of Christ’s love that surpasses knowledge. When that happens, we are filled with the fullness of God.
The Trinity is all involved in our obtaining the fullness of God in Christ through the Spirit. The two main gifts that God gives us are power and love. Those are the twin keys to God’s fullness. Our power comes from the Holy Spirit and our love comes from Christ on the cross. Such love can only be realized in the company of the saints. Our maturity and fullness are realized not in isolation but with other believers. God is willing to give you all His fullness, are you ready to receive it? Ask daily for the filling of the Holy Spirit and for Christ’s love to come to you. Go for His fullness!
Ps 106:13-23 Isa 43:14-45:10 Eph 3:1-21 Prov 24:1-2