August 20 - God’s Timing
Time is a creature and is in God’s hands. Other than chronological time, there is also the appointed time in which God acts in human history. Moses realizes such time and declares that with God, a thousand years are just like one day and a watch in the night. God has control of time and He does what He pleases to accomplish His purpose and will. The Book of Esther is such an example.
This book is more than retelling the story of Esther and Mordecai or the origin of the festival of Purim. It is an account of how God broke into human history orchestrating the salvation of the Jews with His perfect timings. From the deposing of Queen Vashti to Esther becoming queen, from the discovery of the conspiracy of the eunuchs by Mordecai and the subsequent report to the king, from the rise of Haman to his plot to kill the Jews, from the building of the gallows to hang Mordecai with to the using of it on Haman himself, from the insomnia of the king to the recognition of Mordecai, from Esther’s entry to making her request, from the revelation of the evil plan to the execution of Haman, God was in control. Any lapse in the course of events would have brought disaster on the Jews.
Human beings might want to plan and sometimes seek help from divination like Haman casting lots, or Pur. The timing Haman wanted came by lots that fell on the month of Adar, the twelfth month and the thirteenth day to remove the Jewish people. However, it was exactly that day that the edict was reversed and two days following, the Jews gained an upper hand on their enemies all over the kingdom. A reversal occurred and on the fourteenth day of Adar the Feast of Purim was inaugurated.
The Feast of Purim was to celebrate the salvation of God on the Jewish people, turning sorrow into gladness, from mourning into a holiday. People sent gifts of food to one another and gave to the poor on that day of celebration. The lot cast by man was totally eradicated and overruled by God. It was God who made all these things happen and brought salvation and relief to His people. The appointed time of God overrules the planned timing of man.
Purim is a reminder to us that we may plan what we want but only in God’s timing can it be accomplished. We must recognize His sovereignty over all human affairs. You may have many plans but just like the apostle James says in his epistle, we do not have any control over our tomorrows. Moses recognizes the brevity of life and asks God to show him how to number his days so as to acquire wisdom for living. Do you realize your limitations? Would you like to bring eternity into time with God ruling over your time? Give your every day and every hour to Him now in prayer.
Ps 90:1-10 Esth 8:1-10:3 1 Cor 12:27-13:13 Prov 21:23-24