August 17 - Conditions for God’s Presence
God is the King, sitting on His throne. Like a human king before he goes out, there are attendants and heralds or forerunners before him, announcing his presence. So when one sees these throne attendants and heralds, one can detect the royal movements and the presence of the king. When the people see the king, they would be overjoyed with festal shouts for they have seen the glory of the king. When the king is there, he can then bestow favor on his people for he has the power to do so.
The key to God’s favor, blessings and help is to see Him, to be in His presence. Unlike an earthly king, God is ever present and ready to reveal Himself to us, His children. John the Baptist prepared the way of the King, Jesus by bringing in the baptism of repentance for the people, preparing them for the coming of the King. When the people repented of their ways and bore the fruit of repentance, they were then ready to see the King and become citizens of the Kingdom.
God loves to come into our lives and we must see His heralds and attendants first before He shows up. In the psalm, God’s throne attendants and heralds are personified as righteousness, justice, steadfast love and faithfulness. Those are His entourage preceding His presence. When our lives are filled with these qualities, God’s presence would be in our lives and we would respond with festal shouts of worship, beholding His face of glory and be exalted in God’s righteousness. His glory would be our strength and by His favor our horn is lifted up. His shield of protection would be all over us because our King is here with us.
King David is cited as the example as one who lived before the presence of God. He was chosen from among his people and God’s hand was with him to strengthen him. His enemy was no match for him for he had God’s protection. God’s faithfulness and steadfast love was with him and his kingdom was extended to the left and to the right. The heralds for God’s presence, faithfulness and steadfast love, were in his life and God was with him.
Jesus tells us to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and the rest of the things will be given to us. When we are obedient to Him and go after His righteousness, God’s presence will be in your life bringing all the things you need. The key is still going after righteousness, justice, steadfast love and faithfulness. These would set up the throne of God and bring in the King’s presence.
Do you earnestly desire for His blessing and protection? God only goes to those who walk in His ways. Prepare for the coming the King by practicing righteousness, justice, steadfast love and faithfulness now.
Ps 89:14-37 Neh 12:27-13:31 1 Cor 11:3-16 Prov 21:17-18