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August 11 - The Privileges of Servanthood

David, even though he was the king, still considered himself as a servant of God. He sought God’s will and followed God’s instructions. Like a servant serving his master, he could derive many privileges as he served the Lord. He could ask God to preserve his life because of his godliness; he could ask for God’s salvation as a servant because he trusted in His Master. God could gladden the soul of His servant as David lifted up his soul to Him. Even though David was not perfect but he could count on the goodness of God to forgive him. He is abounding in steadfast love to all those who call upon Him, especially to His servants. All the pleas of David were based on the fact that he was a servant of God.

Nehemiah also called himself a servant of God and the Israelites the servants of God. They were there to serve God’s purpose and will. So for his prayers to be answered, he confessed the sins of the Israelites, of himself and his father’s house. He also referred to Moses as God’s servant and he people of Israel servants whom God had redeemed by His great power and strong hand. As a servant of God, he could count on God to answer his prayers and grant him mercy in the sight of the king. When the king asked for what he wanted, he did not first reply to the king but immediately prayed to the King of Heaven. He knew, although he was the cupbearer for the king, he was first and foremost the servant of the Lord. Even as he went to Jerusalem and inspected the walls, he did not consult with the people for he was not serving them but the Lord. He knew that the Lord would make them prosper for they were His servants.

When Paul was addressing the problems in the church of Corinth, he told the bondservants in that church to remain in their condition when they were called. If they had the opportunity to be freed, they were to go for it. However, they were freedmen first of all in the Lord for they were then bondservants of Christ instead of men. Christ had bought them with a price and they were not supposed to only serve their human masters. They were to remain with God while serving their earthly masters. Such a supreme privilege, even as bondservants to earthly masters, they were first and foremost servants of Christ who had given them redemption.

Are you serving earthly masters? Do you work under someone else in a company or an institution? You must realize that God is your real Master. At your work, be mindful of His presence and ask Him to prosper your work. Do not seek the approval of people but the Master’s approval. As His servant, you have the high privilege of trusting and relying on His powerful hand and strong arm. You have been bought with a price, you are not providing cheap labor. You belong to Christ and He runs your life. When you do His will, He will be responsible for your welfare.

Ps 86:1-7     Neh 1:1-3:14     1 Cor 7:1-24     Prov 21:4


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