June 2 - Tough Questions
The Sea of Tiberias is on the other side of the Sea of Galilee, two parts of the same lake. Years earlier, Jesus called His disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee to follow Him and they did. But after the resurrection of Jesus, they went all the way to the other side as Simon Peter told the other six disciples that he was going to go fishing and they all followed him. Instead of following Jesus and be the fishers of man, they return full cycle to become the fishers of fish once again, going back to their original profession.
They had probably forgotten that on the other side of this lake, they responded to the Master’s call. They also had probably forgotten that on the shore of Sea of Tiberias, Jesus fed the five thousand by asking Philip a tough ministry question, “Where are we to buy bread so that these people might eat?” (John 6:5) On the same stretch of the sea where they saw the miracle of feeding, they lost their faith in the Lord to provide. So Jesus had to ask Simon Peter the tough questions to bring the disciples back to their calling in life.
Our purpose in life has always to do with the calling of God, however, because of the storms of life and the difficult life experiences, we may have arrived at the other opposite end of God’s plan for us. Amnesia sets in and we have forgotten about God’s calling and His prior works in our lives. It is time for us to meet the risen Lord afresh and face the tough questions He has to ask us. Are you ready to face Him?
Jesus showed the disciples that He still cared for their wellbeing, lending them a hand in their own profession. A miracle happened as they obeyed the Lord, success suddenly popped up, causing them to realize that it was the work of God and not because of their own efforts. Jesus further showed His love for them by providing them with breakfast and broke bread with them. Such care, love and provision reminded them of the Master they had followed for over three years. It was after the meal that Jesus asked Simon Peter the tough questions.
Jesus did not ask him the ministry questions but instead asked the question of the heart. God’s basic requirement for His children is to love Him with their whole being. The love should go beyond everything in the world and only when one is a lover of God that God would give that person a mission in life. We do not serve the Lord to win His favor but out of our love for Him. None of us should serve God so that our lives could be more fulfilled or more effective. Ministry outside of one’s love for the Lord is meaningless. The Lord did not examine Simon Peter’s work but looked at his heart. How is your heart at this time? Do you love God more than anything the world can offer? If so, you are ready to receive your mission in life.
Ps 125:1-5 2 Sam 19:11-20:13 John 21:1-25 Prov 16:16-17