May 27 - The Pledge of a Protector
Psalm 121 is God’s pledge to protect His children from all harms. God as our Protector gives us the most comprehensive protection plan through the psalmist. The first two verses relate his own personal experience while the rest of the psalm is an objective look at God’s protection and help.
Like many people, the psalmist looked to the hills, to the high places for help. We all need help and protection and we look to people with power to help. Our hills could be people or it can be something we rely on for our wellness. Cancer patients look to different forms of therapy or a variety of drugs to cure the disease. New parents look to self-help books on how to care for their newborn children. Ordinary people seek after good advices in their daily living. Spiritually inclined ones go after gurus and wise men. But the real question is, “Where does my help come from?” The answer is simple: “The Maker of heaven and earth.”
There is no need to find help in the created order when you can find help from the Creator Himself. His wisdom is greater than all human wisdom put together. His way is higher than our ways and His thoughts our thoughts. This is only logical and reasonable for creatures to rely on the Creator. So then the psalmist gave an appeal to others to trust in God’s protection. If God is Creator, He is more than able to protect you from all the dangers of the world.
There are certain threats to our existence. The first one is to slip and fall in the road of life. We all make bad mistakes and some mistakes could cause us our lives. The promise of God is that He would not let us fall. He is the Protector of Israel and also the Protector of His children. His zeal comes from His ever presence, day and night, from time to eternity. He needs no rest and so He does not slumber.
The sun and the moon were symbols of spiritual enemies. People in the world worship the sun and the moon and the stars. The worship of the created instead of the Creator has been always there. The heat of the sun and the coldness of the moon can harm us. Evil spiritual forces are all around us against which no flesh and blood could stand against. The presence of the Creator puts the created order in its place and all demonic forces are to submit to the God of creation.
Do you have fears in your life? Are you worrying about something at this moment? Do you look to the world for help and answers to the questions of life? Is God your ultimate authority and Protector? Are you relying on anything outside of God? Give all your worries and anxieties to God right now in prayer. Ask Him to be your Protector and you shall be under His covering.
Ps 121:1-8 2 Sam 12:1-31 John 16:1-33 Prov 16:4-5