May 15 - An Evangelistic Mindset
Our English word “evangel” comes from the Greek word “euangelion” (“eu” means good, well, true or genuine; and “angelion” means messenger or angelic being). An evangel is a bearer or herald of good news, or the gospel of Jesus Christ. Although you may not be an evangelist who preaches the gospel as a profession, we are all evangels, carriers of the gospel message and witnesses of Christ’s resurrection and saving power. As the risen Lord told the disciples that they are witnesses, we are all witnessing Christ every moment of our lives so that others may believe. This is our mission on earth (the Great Commission).
David, as a young boy, knew that he was not just doing a favor for Saul or the kingdom of Israel. He was fighting the enemy of God and when victory came, it was to glorify the Lord and sound off the message that Jehovah God is above all other gods. His evangelistic mindset was seen in his words to Goliath, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defiled.” In essence David was declaring who God is to the Philistine, someone who did not know the Lord. Unlike Saul’s army and probably the most of us, David was not afraid of the unbelievers for he knew that God could give him victory.
After this declaration of the name of God, David continued his war cry, prophesying that he would cut off the head of Goliath so “that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hand.” David was not only speaking to the Philistines but to all the earth as well to al Israel, being aware of what he did had far greater significance than to defeat one person or one nation.
Jesus also was aware of His mission on earth as the Herald of God to proclaim the good news. First of all, He contrasted life on earth with life out of this world. If they did not believe in Him, they would perish and die in their sins. When asked of His identity, Jesus spoke of His relationship with the Father and testified about Him as true. His relationship with the Father was real, the Father spoke to Him and He was never alone. He always did the things that were pleasing to Him. After this explanation, many believed in Him.
As David declared the name of His God and as Jesus testified to His relationship with the Father, you may do the same: tell others about God and relate your experience with the Father. This is most natural and you will be surprised at how others would respond and accept Jesus as their Lord. Are you ready to do this today?
Ps 69:13-18 1 Sam 17:1-18:4 John 8:21-30 Prov 15:11