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May 11 - A New Person

Saul was God’s choice for king over Israel and Samuel was to anoint him. However, Saul was having a low self-esteem, thinking that he was from an insignificant tribe of Benjamin and from a lowly family. When Samuel was casting lots, the lot fell on his tribe, his family and himself. At that time, he was hiding among the equipment, quite indicative of how he was looking at himself. Something needed to happen for him to become king despite of his self-concept so that he might lead with confidence as the anointed one.

In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit came down upon individuals so that they might accomplish the mission God had given them. Saul was no exception. When he was about to be anointed by Samuel, the Holy Spirit began to change him into another person. The first experience he had with the Holy Spirit was when the Spirit came upon him and he prophesied with the other prophets. Through the gift of the Spirit, he became a new man. Even as he left Samuel’s presence, he was given a new heart. As all that Samuel prophesied came to pass one after another, his heart was more certain. When he led the people against the invading Ammonites, the Holy Spirit rushed upon him and he led them into victory. God’s Spirit also moved among the brave men so that they followed Saul. The people, out of fear of God, became as one person. This new person could then provide kingly leadership over the nation.

We all need to be changed into new persons but without the Holy Spirit, none can experience any change. In the Gospel of John, Jesus was referring to His ascension into heaven and then the Holy Spirit would be giving life to us. He said, “What then if you see the Son of Man ascending to where He was before? It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” (John 6:62-63) The life that the Spirit gives is new life, not the old life in the flesh. Many of us try our fleshly ways to change ourselves, going to self-help books or taking courses or steps for life change. There are many promises one can find in the world but none can give us new life except by the Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son, through the promise He had given and the Word He had spoken. Today, one must receive Jesus Christ as Lord and then receive the promised Holy Spirit to become a new person. It is always through Jesus Christ and by the Spirit. The flesh has nothing to do with this change and it profits nothing. In your Christian life, are you trying on your own or are you calling on the Holy Spirit to fill you?

Pray now, confess all your sins and ask Jesus to baptize you in the Holy Spirit. Yield all your life and control over to the Holy Spirit and He will make you a new person.

Ps 68:19-27 1 Sam 10:1-11:15 John 6:43-71 Prov 15:1-3


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