March 26 - Moments of Your Life
Our lives are made up of little moments, some of them are memorable and some not so great. No matter how you look at them, they become part of God’s intrusion into your life and we should not underestimate them. History is made up of recordable moments and we see a lot of them in the Gospels. The record of Luke begins with a desperate and hopeless moment when the widow of Nain had to bury his only son. You may imagine how heart-broken she would have been. Jesus saw her and had compassion on her, spoke words of comfort to her and commanded the young man to arise. People around them were astonished and realized that God had visited them. Yes, in our moments of despair, God visits us to help and save.
Then the attention was drawn to John the Baptist. While in prison, he had his moment of doubt, wondering if Jesus was the One who was to come or he had to look for another Messiah. The two disciples he sent asked Jesus and Jesus pointed to the signs and wonders he was performing, proving that He was the One who was to come. In our moments of doubt, Jesus is there to answer our questions. Even as great as John the Baptist, he also had moments of doubt. John indeed did a great service for the Kingdom. Those who were baptized by him did not reject the purpose of God for themselves.
In the same breath when Jesus was talking about John the Baptist, He challenged the people of that generation to give a response. Like those who had been baptized by John responding to God, others too may seize the opportune moments to respond to God’s purpose in their lives. A lack of response, or apathy, is the chief reason for our spiritual lives not growing. It was like when someone plays the flute and you do not dance, it is like someone singing a dirge and you do not weep. Apathy is the chief spiritual problem of Jesus’ day and the same is true today. If we accept the wisdom of God, the children of God may then prove that God is just.
There are moments when we hear the Word of God and we must respond. Jehovah instructed the Israelites to keep the Word in their heart, to teach their children diligently, to talk to them in the house, by the way, when they were lying down or when they arise. There are teachable moments for us to share God’s Word with our children. God is also utilizing teachable moments to teach us as well. Whether it is in your desperate moments, your doubting moments or your moments of response or decision, God demands a change in your life. None of these life moments would be wasted if you make the right response to God.
Life is made up of all the moments of your life. Do not waste a moment, go to His presence each day and listen to what He has to say about the different moments.
Ps 44:4-8 Deut 5:1-6:25 Luke 7:11-35 Prov 11:29-31