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November 4 - Anchor of the Soul

Our Christian soul has to be secured, bolted to an anchor so that the storms of life cannot toss us to and fro from our sure foundation. We often see believers with an unstable soul, not steadfast and not quite sure of what they are doing. Sometimes, they are on fire for he Lord but other times they would be lost in hopelessness. The anchor of our soul has to do with the blessed hope that we have in Christ Jesus. All our feelings, thoughts and decision-making must be based on this hope that God had given to us as a promise. Believing in His promise is the key to having hope and living a steadfast and sure life.

It is so easy to lose sight of our hope. For those who are still not moving onto spiritual maturity but still stay in debates about elementary doctrines, there is a danger of losing their hope. Once they have been enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift, shared in the Holy Spirit, tasted the goodness of God’s Word and the powers of the age to come but then fall away, it is impossible for them to be brought to repentance again. Not growing in the Lord, not willing to leave the basic doctrines of Christianity could move our soul away from the promise and hope in Christ.

The goal is our own salvation: it is not to know more about doctrines but to practice the Word of God. Our works and our love shown for His name are indications of the full assurance of hope until the end. When we are not sluggish in practicing our faith, we may inherit the promise through our faith and patience. It is not pending on how much you know, but how much you are actually doing. The more you do, the more you are sure of your hope. God is not unjust so as to overlook what we have done for His sake.

God has given us two unchangeable things: His guarantee to us in an oath that He swore by Himself since there is no one greater; and His Son Jesus Christ who has gone as a forerunner, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. The Father and the Son are our ultimate guarantors for the hope of the promise. By faith, we run to the inner place behind the curtain, following the footsteps of Jesus. Our refuge is in the presence of God, when we enter the Holy of Holies and go before the throne of grace. There our Lord is also our High Priest, giving us protection and hope.

Are you confused sometimes about God’s promises and have a tendency to waver? Have you tried to know more about God’s Word but have not practice it as much? Move on to maturity now by practicing the Word instead of just knowing it. When you do the Word, you then have the sure and steadfast anchor of your soul that can take you into God’s presence, where our High Priest Jesus is. Go to Him now.

Ps 119:105-112     Ezek 10:1-11:25     Heb 6:1-20     Prov 27:1-2


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