January 8 - Live One Day at a Time
In a short confession, the Psalmist asks God not to rebuke or discipline him in anger. He recognizes that he is weak, in need of healing and in much fear. He has been waiting for God’s help for some time but is still waiting. This is what the world can do to us: bringing much insecurity into our lives and as a result, we worry and try to solve our own problems.
If Jesus were here today, He would say the same words to us: Do not worry! You worry because you have a wrong priority. It is not things that are important, it is your life that is of utmost importance. Your life is much more important than the clothes you wear and the food you eat.
Do you realize that you are precious to God and that you worth a lot more than you realize. Of all the created things, your worth is much more than the birds in the air or the grass in the field. You are the apple of God’s eye and He sent His Son to die for you. Do not treat yourself with contempt and prostitute yourself to worrying.
Do you know that worry can accomplish nothing? We all worry, thinking that we must do something in order to achieve some goals. If we cannot be successful, we worry because that is the only thing left to do. Don’t you know that you cannot add one hour to your life even if you worry?
Do you know that you have been asking God for the wrong things? You have brought a lot of requests that have nothing to do with His Kingdom and righteousness? Do you know that you do not trust in His timing and purpose? He is your Heavenly Father and He is intended to give you good things, ask and you shall receive.
Abram interceded for Lot and God remembered Lot when He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Abram went before the Lord as one who was worried about the destruction of his blood relatives. He knew that there is nothing He could do to reverse God’s actions but he could ask for mercy and grace from the gracious God. This gave him boldness to go into God’s presence and Lot’s life was spared.
Are you anxious about something now? Stop immediately and ask for forgiveness. Worrying is a sin and can block your prayers. You are precious in His sight and He will and can deliver you!
Ps 6:1-3 Gen 18:20-19:38 Matt 6:25-7:14 Prov 2:6-15